interview question related to fundamental

Interview question related to digital signals
Ques:-what is signal?
Ans:- A signal is an electric current or electromagnetic field that is used to transfer data or instruction from one place to another. Signal means which contain some information.
Ques:-what is analog signal?
Ans:-analog signal:-An analog is an AC or DC voltage or current that varies smoothly or continuously. It is one that does not change suddenly or change in step, analog signal is more accurate compared to digital signal.
The primary disadvantage of analog signal is that these signals are responsible for interference which causes noise in the signal leading to data loss and distortion.
Ex- sine wave
Ques:-what is digital signal?
Ans:-digital signal are essentially a series of pulses or rapidly changing voltage level that vary in discrete steps or increments. These are pulses of voltage that usually switch between two fixed levels. Digital signals are represented by binary numbers in most of applications.
Digital signal support various data compression methods such as audio and video compression ,transmission of digital signal requires less bandwidth compared to analog signal.
Data in the form of digital signals can be stored easily on a variety of less expensive data carriers.
Ques:-give the difference between analog and digital signal?
Ques:-what is the application of digital signal?
Ans:- 1-audio signal processing
2-speech processing
3-digital image processing
4-audio compression
5-video compression
6-digital communication
7-computer animation
Ques:-what is IC?
Ans:- A digital integrated circuit is also known as chip, is a small electronic device made out of the semiconductor material that consist of electronic components like transistors, logic gates, flip flops, multiplexers and other circuits.
IC  is used for variety of devices including microprocessor, cellular phone, audio and video equipment .
The classification of IC based on progress in integrated circuit-
1-SSI     2-MSI      3-LSI    4-VLSI   5-VVLSI   6-WSI
Ques:-give brief description about classification of IC
Ans:-1-SSI(Small scale integration)-a single chip of SSI can support only 10 transistors at the most. SSI were used by earlier aerospace projects.
2-MSI(medium scale integration)-a single chip of MSI can contain 10-100 transistors, MSI ICs are most efficient, cost effective and small in size compared to SSI devices.
3-LSI(large scale integration):- a single chip of LSI support 100-1000 transistors , LSI ICs have a magnitude of 10 times more than that of MSI ICs.
The application area of LSI ICs includes calculators, electronic, wristwatches, ans simple microcomputers.
4-VLSI(very large scale integration)- VLSI ICs support 1000-1000000 transistors per chip . VLSI IC are used to make microcomputers and memory ICs.
5-VVLSI(very very large scale integration)-VVLSI  ICs support 100000-10000000 transistors per chip. The main application areas of VVLSI ICs are in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and high level computing . it is also known ultra large scale integration (ULSI).
6-WSI—(wafer-scale integration )-WSI name is taken from the term very large scale integration. WSI is system of large integrated circuits which use an entire silicon wafer to produce a single super chip, WSI system leads to reduced costs for some systems.
7:-SOC(system on a chip)-SOC is an integrated circuit in which everything needed by computer or other systems is contained in one chip .

8-Nanotechnology- Nanotechnology is a field that deals with the designing and manufacturing of very small integrated circuits and devices that are built at molecule level, which lies in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers . one nanometers is one billionth of a meter.
